Thursday 1 July 2021

Key Guide On How To Repair Damaged Vocal Cord?

When you lose your voice, the most common cause is laryngitis. Laryngitis occurs when your larynx (larynx)  is irritated and inflamed. When you abuse your voice or it becomes infected, it can irritate your larynx. Most cases of laryngitis are caused by a viral infection, including the common cold.. When you speak, your vocal cords will open and close gently. When air passes through them, they vibrate to produce sound. When your vocal cords swell, it changes the way air passes through them and thus it distorts your voice. Your voice may sound hoarse or too low to even be heard. Laryngitis sometimes heals on its own, but often, instead, it becomes chronic (lasting). To learn about how to repair damaged vocal cords and as quickly as possible, you first  will need to treat inflammation and irritation in the larynx.

When you run out of words, try one of these 15 remedies to restore your voice quickly.

Home Remedies To Restore Sound

Let The Sound Rest

For over stimulated vocal cords, the best thing to do is to give them a rest. Try not to speak for a day or two. If you must speak, speak quietly. This is effective because irritation and inflammation often take quite a bit of time to get  resolved.and to heal.

Overuse will hinder the healing process.

Do Not Whisper

It may do more damage than good!

Avoid Using Decongestants

When you are fighting a bad cold, it is customary to want to take decongestants. However, if your cold is causing laryngitis, it is best to avoid these over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Decongestants usually dry out the throat and nose.

Discuss Medication With Your Doctor

Prescription medications that help reduce inflammation. If your job depends on your ability to speak or sing, your doctor may consider giving you short-term steroid treatment.

Steroids can be dangerous and by far are not suitable for everyone. .

Drink Plenty Of Water

A viral infection usually causes laryngitis. Resting and drinking plenty of fluids will help you to recover as quickly as possible. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Drink Hot Liquids

Hot liquids, such as tea, broth, or soup, can help relieve sore throats. Green tea, which is rich in antioxidants, can also help promote healing. Drink warm fluids four to five times a day or as needed to relieve pain.

Avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and black tea, as they can lead to dehydration. If it's impossible not to drink your morning coffee, be sure to replenish your body fluids with water or herbal tea.

Do Not Smoke

Smoking and e-cigarettes can irritate the throat and nicotine can slow down healing. If you can't get off nicotine right away, as an alternative, it is best to use nicotine gum.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

How to Deal with Vocal Cords from Acid Reflux!

 Acid reflux can cause a whole host of symptoms, but is it to blame for voice changes? This blog explains more about acid reflux and issues it can cause with the vocal cords, and how to deal with vocal cord damage caused by acid reflux.

A particular form of acid reflux, known as gastroesophageal reflux, happens as the contents of the stomach return to the esophagus. The common signs include a burning or unpleasant feeling in the center of your chest, bad breath, nausea, or vomit.

Reflux is caused by muscle weakness at the esophagus-stomach connection called the esophageal sphincter. This sphincter usually works so that nourishment and stomach acid are not moved from the stomach upward to the esophagus and the larynx. This sphincter allows food to enter the belly and then shuts so that the substances of the stomach do not come out. The returning of stomach contents in the esophagus is referred to as gastroesophageal reflux. In addition, a person with a hiatal hernia is at an elevated risk of reflux when the pressure is increasing (such as obesity or tight clothing which can drive acid from the stomach into the esophagus).

Will Acid Reflux Affect Your Voice?

Symptoms of voice damage can happen with reflux, but usually, there is a great deal of inflammation that causes the voice to get damaged and changes the sound. The probability of acid reflux as a diagnosis with a voice change is very low if there are no other signs, such as heartburn and a constant cough on top of acid reflux. With that said, there is a reasonable chance that acid reflux can effect one’s voice.

For those who are looking for an alternative treatment option for voice damage caused by acid reflux, The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair can help?


To learn how they can treat voice damage caused by acid reflux, visit the official site:

Wednesday 17 February 2021

How To Repair Damaged Vocal Cords?


Misuse or overuse of one’s voice can put a person of interest at risk for vocal injury. On rare occasions, vocal cord injury heals by itself. There is a chance of irreversible damage for anyone who chronically mistreats their voice. Read this blog and get the answer for how to repair damaged vocal cords.  


Signs of a Damaged Vocal Cord

Feeling out of breath or feeling like it's impossible to breathe

A tight feeling in your throat

Chronic coughing or throat-clearing

A sensation as if choking on food


How to heal a damaged vocal cord naturally?

As this problem involves physical damage to the vocal cords, the safest option to naturally heal damaged vocal cords is to consult with a credited voice specialist - one of which is known as The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair.

With their high level of experience and expertise in the field of voice recovery, restoration and enhancement - through the use of unique voice/speech training, combined with the use of natural herbal remedies, - they are capable of non-surgically treating various forms of voice issues, including vocal cord damage.


To learn more about what it takes to treat vocal cord damage, as well as many other voice disorders, visit their official site:

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Treatment for Vocal Damage - at The Royans Institute

 Have you ever felt like there was something off about your voice? You may have felt like your voice had a raspy, hoarse-sounding quality. You may have experienced a lump-like feeling within your throat as you tried to speak and/or sing. In extreme cases, you may be suffering from problems like throat pain, lack of voice control (tone, projection, pitch), and even partial (or full) voice loss.

Any of the above-indicated problems may be the result of vocal damage.

How does vocal damage occur?

Vocal damage can be caused by a wide variety of reasons such as:

● Voice misuse or overuse (shouting, screaming, or using the improper vocal technique).

● Unhealthy habits (Drinking too much alcohol, smoking, etc)

● Over-consumption of certain foods (highly acidic foods or dairy products)

● Inadequate environment (breathing in dust, second-hand smoke, etc)

The Changes One Must Make in Order to Treat Vocal Damage

In order to rectify these issues, the person must be willing to change any and all of the above-mentioned destructive habits. This will help with regards to maintaining a healthier body and lifestyle, which will, in turn, provide a foundation for a healthy voice.

The individual suffering from vocal damage also requires the assistance of a professional voice specialist - who can teach them how to use their voice correctly without causing any further damage to their vocal anatomy.

At The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, we recognize these changes - and many other life changes - one has to make in order to restore their voice. 

How We Treat Vocal Damage:

Our unique treatment method is geared to helping those who’ve suffered from a wide range of voice disorders like: 

Damaged Vocal Cords

Strained Vocal Cords

Vocal Nodes, Nodules

Vocal Polyps

Vocal fold cysts

Voice/Vocal Pitch Problems

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)

Vocal Cord Paralysis (Vocal Paresis)

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Burning Vocal Cords (Voice Damage due to Acid Reflux)

Muscle Tension Dysphonia

Reinke’s Edema (Vocal Cord Swelling due to Fluid)

Sulcus Vocalis (Gap between the vocal cords)

Shaved Vocal Cords due to Breathing Difficulty

Voice Alteration/Damage due to Laryngitis

Bogart-Bacall syndrome “Vocal fatigue”, Etc.

We use an unconventional method of voice restoration that incorporates specially-designed speech exercises, combined with the use of natural herbal remedies.

The above factors not only aid in the restoration of the quality of one’s voice but also ensures the safety of one’s vocal anatomy and overall health.

If you are suffering from a voice disorder and are in need of an alternative treatment option that does not require vocal surgery? Contact us. We can help.

Friday 20 March 2020

Key Idea To Learn All About How To Repair Vocal Cords

Are you suffering from bad days because of your vocal cords? If your answer is yes, read this blog and get the real-time answer on how to repair vocal cords.

There are many ways to repair vocal cords and most of them have proved to be fruitful for people suffering from issues with vocal cords. Some of the essential ways are:

Breathe Moist Air- Problems with the throat lead to underlying issues. You need to get eliminate the problem by approaching it the right way. Among many ways to give the vocal cords relief, breathing moist air can be quite helpful. For those in dry environments, it is recommended to obtain a humidifier.

Rest Your Voice- To heal your vocal cords, it is very effective to give your voice needed rest for a week or two. Doing the above might help in  fixing minor vocal cord issues. Applying this practice has proved to be helpful for many people. So you too can also give your voice needed rest.

Moisten your throat- Moistening your throat will prove to be beneficial  as a dry throat might create more issues which you would require giving  even more needed attention.

Stop Drinking Alcohol- Consumption of alcohol is harmful to the health and almost everyone is aware of it. For someone whose livelihood requires verbal communication, the consumption of alcohol, especially when he or she is suffering from issues with their vocal cords, is absolutely prohibited.

Avoid Constant Throat Clearing- Clearing the throat from time to time might be helpful when you have access mucus which touches the vocal cords, causing temporary irregular sound quality. But for those who constantly clear their throats and still suffer from problems like hoarseness and raspiness, it might cause an enhancement of the original underlying problem.

There are many ways to fix vocal cord problems. However, if trying once or twice does not show good results, you would need to find an alternative solution to conquer your voice/vocal issues.

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair advocates an effective and non-surgical way of fixing various vocal cord issues. The reference provided by their voice experts covers a variety of issues associated with damaged vocal cords. 

Contact The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair- whose  experienced voice repair specialists will be able to fix all of your voice problems within a short period of time.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Everything to know about How to Heal Vocal Cords from Acid Reflux

The vocal cords are an important part of the human body. The trouble with vocal cord damage caused by acid reflux is troublesome and most people facing this problem are usually looking for answers in order to learn how to heal vocal cords effected by acid reflux.

Without proper treatment, acid reflux can be dangerous; therefore, it is important to get the above-mentioned  problem treated. For such voice disorder sufferers who have been diagnosed with acid reflux, healing the problem should not be too difficult. The sufferers of such a disorder just need to get an answer for “how to heal vocal cords effected by acid reflux”. To get the  needed information, please read this article.

 Surgery - The worse vocal cord damage caused by acid reflux might require surgery. Visit the doctor and get the exact diagnosis. If this is the case, you might need to go through this process in order to fix vocal cords which have been damaged via acid reflux. However, before going for the surgery, ask your doctor if there is a chance to fix the problem through other means.

Holistic ways - For people who do not want to go through serious surgery, can also opt for holistic options. However, there are very few places whereby one can get proper holistic treatment, especially for vocal cord problems caused by acid reflux.

Non-surgical- Surgery is not always the answer to any problem. There are other probable and possible ways to heal vocal cords from acid reflux. The voice repair specialists at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, have the expertise in non-surgical vocal cord(s) treatment. Their effort, knowledge, experience and expertise brings the best holistic/alternative treatments for individuals coping with vocal cord issues caused by acid reflux.

Choose the most suitable and appropriate option for yourself, as your voice is an important tool for communication, be it for speaking and/or singing.

Monday 13 January 2020

Everything To Know About How to Fix Vocal Damage!

When you lose your voice or feel weak while speaking, there are more chances that you have acquired vocal damage. In case you are suffering from the above-mentioned problem, you will definitely have to do everything in your power about finding the way how  to fix highly-probable vocal damage

Vocal damage can be very frustrating, especially when your rely fully on your voice for your work. For others, vocal damage can lead to problem with communication - and because of that, it may result in a loss of confidence, and thus low self-esteem. Below are 5 effective tips which can be considered when it comes to rectifying your voice/vocal problem:

 - Get a Humidifier
A humidifier keeps the room cool and humid. This way, your throat and vocal cords will moisten and you will get relief from a dry, raspy voice - which also can be a symptom of voice damage.

 - Modify Your Daily Routine
An unhealthy routine might be the reason for vocal damage. Hence, to get a healthy voice, avoid eating spicy foods. In addition, you should consider drinking green tea to soothe the throat. You should try to manage a healthy routine throughout the day and you will be able to minimize the probability of acquiring vocal damage.

 - (If Applicable) Quit Smoking and Eliminate Alcohol Consumption
Smoking causes frequent occurrences of vocal damage. It is imperative that you also have to avoid second-hand smoke. Eliminating smoking and/or frequent alcohol consumption will help you to rectify the vocal problem.

 However, if you do not have symptoms of more serious conditions due to the above-described habits, there is generally lesser need to rush to a doctor or even a voice specialist. Meanwhile, if you have a croaky voice and you are looking for ways how to fix your hoarse and raspy voice, you still might need to visit a voice repair specialist - specializing in non-surgical ways of fixing the above-described vocal disorders. 

The voice specialist from The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair will closely analyze your voice and will give you a better solution for how to fix your voice problem. So if you are thinking about how to heal the problem effectively, make an appointment at the best voice restoration centre and get a real-time solution.