Friday 13 July 2018

Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia - What you need to know:

Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define a negative change in the sound of one’s voice due to muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort due to excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box can be telling signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder. This form of muscle tension prevents the sufferer from using their natural voice.

Muscle tension dysphonia can easily develop during laryngitis and can remain even after the swelling of the vocal cords (due to laryngitis and other similar illnesses) has subsided. It can also be caused by stress, therefore causing a co-occurring diagnosis. The dysphonia may occur on its own, known as primary MTD - or as a result of other underlying disorders, known as secondary MTD.

What does this form of dysphonia look/sound like?

Muscle tension dysphonia generally causes the voice to sound rough, hoarse, raspy, weak, breathy, airy, squeezed, tight or tense.

Some of the other symptoms include:

A weak or airy voice,

Sudden breaks or fading of the voice

A neck that is tender or sore to the touch

Loss of vocal range when singing

Feeling the need to clear the throat often

Feeling of a lump in the throat   How is muscle tension dysphonia treated?
Behavioral treatment in the form of an alternative form of voice therapy is generally advised as the best treatment for muscle tension dysphonia. This specific form of therapy (known as the “Vocal Science™ Method”) is recommended for both forms of MTD - primary or secondary in nature.

Using a specialized form of voice restoration,  combined with the application of natural herbs and remedies applied onto the vocal box, this is the best way of dealing with this form of dysphonia, as well as with many other voice disorder symptoms.

This unique approach to voice mechanics is achieved by lifting the sufferer’s voice off of their vocal box (using specially-designed forms of speech and, if needed, singing exercises) and restructuring it to their facial muscles; and then putting those facial muscles to work in full conjunction and coordination with their abdominal muscles.
The above actions will naturally amplify the human voice, allowing the true voice to be heard without compromise. It will also minimize the use of the sufferer’s throat, larynx and vocal cords – therefore it will definitely eliminate the harmful use (pain and strain) of the vocal anatomy altogether.
If you are suffering from the above mentioned symptoms of such a disorder like muscle tension dysphonia & are seeking professional help, please contact The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair: : | 416-857-8741

Thursday 5 July 2018

Speech therapy: An Individual Therapy For Head And Throat Cancer Survivors

Head and neck cancer and its treatment frequently cause changes in both speech and swallowing, which affect the patient's quality of life and ability to function in society. After treatment for head and neck cancer, people generally face swallowing problems, food or liquids spilling from the mouth,  food sticking in the mouth, and other similar problems. The exact nature and severity of the post-treatment depends on the location of the tumor, the choice of treatment and the availability and use of speech and swallowing therapy during the first 3  months of treatment.

A speech pathologist is one who can help and educate your family about ways to minimize the effects of head and neck cancer and its treatment. Because cancer and its treatment often affect the throat cancer survivors' ability to talk and eat, the speech pathologist evaluates speech and swallowing difficulties, and provides the individual speech therapy as needed.

  •   When to call your speech pathologist

  •   Feeling any difficulties in swallowing

  •  Unable to use your voice properly

  •  You have a gurgle or wet sounding voice after swallowing

You clear your throat while eating  A speech pathologist at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair helps post stroke survivors understand the structures and functions involved in eating and talking. A speech-language pathologist can evaluate your swallowing function, identify areas of weakness and causes of the swallowing difficulties. 

Assessing your difficulties you may already have with talking and eating, they teach you exercises and strategies to help you maintain or regain the ability to talk and eat without any difficulties.