Wednesday 19 September 2018

What is Muscle Tension Dysphonia and what Treatment Options are Available?

The term “muscle tension dysphonia” is a general term for an imbalance in the coordination of the muscles in your neck and with breathing - which are needed to create a voice. If the imbalance occurs without any anatomical abnormality, it is known as primary MTD; and if an anatomical abnormality is present, it is known as secondary MTD.

Here in this mini-blog, we will discuss primary MTD which can be associated with stress and anxiety. Recent research has shown that under a period of stress, the muscles which control the voice box become tightened, causing the vocal cords to be either constricted of proper movement or it would cause the loss of proper control altogether - which then will cause inadequate voice use.

The cause of primary MTD is often unclear. It may be triggered by any illness, reflux, allergies or by increased vocal demand. In some instances, the cause may be related to underlying stress and anxiety or a significant emotional event.

MTD may result in a variety of symptoms, including altered voice quality, easy fatigue when using the voice, soreness, tightness or general discomfort in the neck or throat. It can also cause an alteration in voice range and/or quality - from breathy & strained voice to a rough & raspy one.

There is a specialized form of voice therapy that is generally recommended for the treatment of MTD. This method of voice restoration is conducted at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. With the use of their unique Vocal Science™ method, they can help you to re-establish healthy voice-use that is designed to minimize and/or even eliminate muscle tension dysphonia.

For more information on how they can help treat MTD, visit the official site  -